Ospitiamo oggi un intervento di Giulio Terzi, Ambasciatore italiano, ex ministro degli affari esteri, riguardante la situazione in Iran. Lo affianchiamo alla speranza del miglioramento dei diritti civili e della libertà personale nella Repubblica Islamica.
President of the National Council Resistance Iran ,Madame Maryam Rajavi , distinguished guests, dear Friends,we have heard from you Madame President a very passionate appeal to the Iranian People and to all nations of the world : multiply your efforts to bring back freedom, truth, social justice, human dignity to Iran !
The time is now. A new geopolitical reality is unfolding rapidly, within and around the country.
All democratic governments and civil societies must firmly challenge the obscurantism of a theocracy whose only aim is wealth and power for its members , through domestic repression and regional domination. This splendid gathering is also a clear sign that change is coming soon.
The sense of urgency is deeply felt , by all of us.
Iranian people are furiously crying for justice and freedom. Many are shouting that they will neither forget nor forgive the 1988 massacre of political prisoners. Others ,plundered by the regime’s financial institutions , angrily want their money back. Students, workers, , teachers, nurses, families of the executed and political prisoners are seeking justice. The Iranian resistance has escalated its activities inside Iran.
Mullahs feel the danger. They are at an impasse. The presidential election has deepened the regime internal crisis. The Assembly of Experts has issued a statement which is self-explanatory. It reads: “In Islam there is no talk of people’s vote, demand and opinion, and of course if the people pledge allegiance with an individual other than the velayat, it will lack any credibility.” This makes a mockery of election in mullahs’ regime. There are no more pretexts to recognize the mullahs’ farce elections and its outcomes.
A landmark research on “ Democracy in Iran” by a prominent sociologist at Dartmouth University leads to one overarching conclusion. A peaceful evolution to a more human system in the Islamic Republic , let alone a more democratic one, isn’t in the cards. Iran is instead moving toward greater internal oppression and foreign wars, which will produce even more convulsive internal dissent. A ruling clique is now perpetually at war with higher education – which , despite Islamized curricula, keeps producing rebellious students. The theocratic regime has made Shiites less observant: Few attend the ever shrinking supply of functioning mosques. An IRGC commander , Zia Eddin Hozni, recently stated that only 5% of the country’s 57.000 Shiites mosques were fully operational during the year. The regime is becoming its own worse enemy.
European leaders and businesses are ill- advisedly rushing – at their own risk – to gain access to Iranian market as if Rouhani were making of it a new El Dorado. Let it be clear: their business partners are most of the time entities linked to or controlled by the IRGC. By trading with Tehran companies which say they are committed to international norms against terror financing, are in fact aiding the regime , in blatant contradiction with fundamental interests of the Iranian people , peace and security.
Among the prominent members of the Italian Parliament and civil society who are proving with their presence here their commitment to the cause of human rights, justice and democratic freedoms in Iran, there are those who have promoted and signed a formal appeal to the Italian government: “ to strongly condemn the 1988 massacre and hinge any relation with Iran on stopping all executions; to call on the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Human Rights Council, General Assembly and Security Council to place on their agenda launching probes into this massive crime, and sending the perpetrators of this crime before justice”. You should be assured that this engagement will not be in words, but in deeds.
The world leaders should look to the Iranian people , to its vibrant and young civil society, to the expatriate community , and stand with them , support the Iranian Resistance, the values of freedom and human dignity the Iranians are striving for. Finally, the clear message to the mullah’s should be: ”It’s time for them to go”.